Something for which I am thankful
Tomorrow I'll be attending a memorial service for someone who really mattered to me, even though I didn't know her very well. Sherry Reinhardt was the founder of the support groups for new moms in Berkeley, and more than 6000 of us were lucky enough to be helped out by her over the past twenty years.
I wanted to write a really great explanation about how much my mom's group means to me, but the words are not coming. I am moved to tears and overwhelmed by the love and camaraderie I get from this group (and of course, my private parts hurt, I haven't slept through the night for two weeks, I have two children under three, and a manuscript to review by next week, so I am overwhelmed by everything around me.)
During the group meetings where we all met, Sherry led us through discussing issues of sleep, extended family, sex, and self-esteem. She helped us find coping techniques. She coached us to go on outings, taking our brand new babies out in the world, even when it rained. She told us to go to each other's houses in order to keep each other company and combat the isolation that comes with having a newborn, but that cleaning up for your guests and providing snacks was not expected.
The coping techniques I learned from my sessions with her have become the foundation for the book I'm writing: The Rookie Mom's Handbook. I will be eternally grateful to Sherry for that. My creative spin on her ideas ultimately led me to take a chance on writing this book, and it's actually being published next Spring.
I feel lucky to have known her, and sorry for those who missed the experience. I can't imagine my life right now without having met the women in my group.
After the memorial service, there will be a potluck, in true Sherry-style. I mentioned to my group that I didn't plan to bring anything and would have to bring Scarlett with me. I know Mary was right when she said, "Whitney, Sherry would think that it's totally appropriate for you to come with your two-week old and bring nothing."
Read more about Sherry on her website or in her obituary on SF Gate.
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RookieMom Whitney
Born on the Fourth of July
She was three days early! Thank you, Scarlett! And, at just under seven pounds, she was able to exit the Southern route as hoped for. I am feeling pretty good. More details another day. For now... pictures.
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RookieMom Whitney
Nine Months and One Day
We are 5 days from the 07/07/07 due date. Ryan and I have put our money on ten days past due as the birthday. If you care to wager, please comment here.
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RookieMom Whitney